I love fruitdrinks! Smoothies not so much because I thinks it's too thick, it's more like a mush and I like it more juicy. But there's a big disadventage about fruitjuices... It's really expensive when you buy it out on the street or in a healty food store. You can easily lose 5 euros buying one, so I'm not able to buy it that much as I would like. So I asked my mom to buy us a blender, and she did so now I can make my own juices.Why do I love it? It's delicious, refreshing and most important... It's healty. You need to have about 5 pieces of fresh fruits a day. So putting 3 pieces in a blender and drinking the juice is a really good start. Fruit is full of vitamines, especially vitamine C, and will help you to stay well.